You are probably aware of horse and dog whispering
Over the years as therapist it has become clear that the happiest and most successful people are those who have positive whispers in their mind.
Before we move on, I would like to talk about the power of your mind and how you, yourself, can create success in everything you do. When you are awakening your intuition or you are beginning a new venture, or life in general, it is important to have positive thoughts and surround yourself with positive energies.
This should be from your surroundings and the people you spend time with. Psychic (psyche) vampires drain and tire us. If you spend time with miseries you will become one if you’re not careful and aware of yourself. By slightly shifting your thought processes, you can make amazing changes in yourself with just the whispers in your mind.
We mostly have a dialogue going in our mind telling us what we should or shouldn’t be doing, how we can or can’t manage or even why we must or mustn’t be doing something. Negativity in any form feeds on itself and grows more and more powerful as it does so. Positivity also grows with little encouragement, but sometimes it can be elusive if doubts or fears are present.
Think of a time when you felt and knew that you looked good: one of those days when all was well and you were fortuitous. Perhaps you were smiled at or someone gave you a compliment that immediately made you feel even better and more confident.
Now remember a time when you felt a bit daggy: bad hair day, squidgy bits day, not getting enough done from the ‘to do’ list or similar. On that day, it is likely someone may have told you that you looked tired or asked you if you were feeling poorly. They might have been that incredibly witty person that said, ‘Cheer up, it might never happen’. Well done if you didn’t growl at them, but even that comment was someone’s attempt to help you or cheer you up.
What then makes one day good and another rubbish? Why and how can you feel so different from one to the next? Why isn’t every day perfect and brilliant?
It is because of what happens in your mind. On the good days, your self-esteem is high; your confidence is untouchable and your self-belief is on top form.
On a bad day, your mind whispered to you and it wasn’t good. This can happen even when someone comments on your appearance in a positive complimentary way. We can receive praise repeatedly, but still dismiss it disbelievingly because we know differently or better. The positive person gets it from themselves. You can’t buy it or take a pill for it. It might take a bit of practice but, like any habit, it is attainable by everyone.
Have you ever tried to change something? Like giving up smoking or getting over a phobia, for example? And what happens? Probably not a lot because, again your mind whispers, ‘You can’t!’ So, you don’t.
Those who are successful whisper to themselves that they can do things or change something if it isn’t right. You, no doubt, know people who exude confidence and happiness. And, equally, you probably know those who don’t. They always seem to fail or spend time saying, ‘can’t’ or ‘shouldn’t’.
What are Mind Whispers? They can be that little voice or perhaps that not-so-little voice when it really gets carried away with itself. They may be thoughts, images or feelings. But, however they manifest to you, the first thing to realise is that you have created them based on your knowledge and experience of life. And, therefore, only you can change them. If you are attempting to meditate, see auras or meet a spirit guide, if you whisper that you can’t you will get your wish.
But, please don’t think that just because you haven’t managed something in the past it means that you can’t now, as with a little work and a tweak of your thoughts you can! The easiest way to either make change and/or become positive and successful is to be aware of your own mind whispering. When you have done this, you will find that everything becomes more fluid. You will become more aware of your intuition and inner abilities. Also, your senses will be enhanced.
Imagine now stepping aside from yourself and becoming a casual observer or listener to your thoughts. What are you saying to yourself? Try and drop in on yourself a few times each day and notice the pattern that you follow. Do you like what you hear? Are your whispers those of success?
If they are, that is fantastic: cheers to your achievements. If they aren’t quite what you were hoping for, you can change them.
Every time a bit of negativity or doubt creeps in, spend a moment acknowledging it and then rephrase in the positive. Hear your mind say, ‘I can. I am. I will’. Say to yourself, daily, the moment you wake up, ‘I am successful*, healthy and happy in mind, body and spirit’. Keep saying this until it gets in a loop that plays constantly in your mind.
At the turn of the twentieth century the pharmacist and psychologist Émile Coué, taught people how to use affirmations and to repeat, ‘Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better’, morning and night. Try this ‘Couéism’ and notice what happens after just a few days.
When you practice being positive and encourage yourself to live a life of abundance, your subconscious mind will ensure that it happens. And if life knocks you back: get up, dust yourself down and start again.
It can also be revelatory to notice the whispers of others. You can tell by their behaviour and from the things they say. Tiny little comments can have such a profound effect to the good or bad.
I am not suggesting that you launch an attack or weep a river onto anyone who is negative. My desire is that you only let the positive flow your way and bounce negativity straight back. While you are demonstrating success in your life, which you will as you develop psychically, others might be jealous or try to lower your self-confidence. If you notice that happening, just smile inside and be full of positive light. This light will spread and may even begin to help those miseries.
* Successful is a personal word that means different things to different people . Only you know what it means for you and this is perfect.